







Picture for The Moistmaker inspired by Friends

9,125,027 views  I never watched Friends but I couldn't google "thanksgiving sandwiches in television and film" without getting about a billion Ross Geller references. Disgusting as the word "moistmaker" is, it makes a damned fine sandwich out of your delicious turkey day leftovers.






For the Turkey

For the Turkey

fresh turkey, any size

1 fresh turkey, any size

kosher salt

2 cups kosher salt

baking powder

1 tbsp baking powder

chopped carrots, celery, onions

6 cups chopped carrots, celery, onions

For the Turkey gravy

For the Turkey gravy


3 tbsp butter


3 tbsp flour

turkey stock

2 cups turkey stock

Salt & freshly ground pepper

Salt & freshly ground pepper

soy sauce

1 tbsp soy sauce

Turkey Stock

vegetable oil

1 tbsp vegetable oil

Turkey spine (see above), cut into  lengths

2 inch Turkey spine (see above), cut into lengths

large carrots, peeled and cut into 3 segments

2 inch large carrots, peeled and cut into 3 segments

onion, peeled and quartered

1 onion, peeled and quartered

stalks celery, cut into 3 segments

2 inch stalks celery, cut into 3 segments

sprigs fresh thyme

7.5 sprigs fresh thyme

parsnip, peeled and halved

1 parsnip, peeled and halved

turnip, peeled and quartered

1 turnip, peeled and quartered

whole black peppercorns

1 tbsp whole black peppercorns

of fresh parsley

handful of fresh parsley

head garlic, cut half widthwise

1 in head garlic, cut half widthwise

bay leaf

1 bay leaf

Sage-Sausage Stuffing

2 loaves white country bread, cut into  cubes

¾ inch 2 loaves white country bread, cut into cubes

plain pork sausage

1 pound plain pork sausage

bacon fat (optional)

2 tbsp bacon fat (optional)

large yellow onion, chopped

1 large yellow onion, chopped

stalks celery, chopped

6 stalks celery, chopped

minced fresh sage

¼ cup minced fresh sage

minced thyme

2 tbsp minced thyme

Indiscriminate amount of parsley

Indiscriminate amount of parsley

eggs, beaten

3 eggs, beaten

Salt & freshly ground pepper to taste

Salt & freshly ground pepper to taste


1 tbsp butter

Cranberry Sauce


1 pound cranberries


1 cup sugar

red wine

¼ cup red wine


1 ½ cups water


1 stick cinnamon

freshly grated nutmeg

½ tsp freshly grated nutmeg

Juice of  orange

0.5 Juice of orange

segment of orange peel

3 inch segment of orange peel




Butterfly the turkey: use a pair of strong poultry shears to remove the spine from the turkey - reserve for gravy.

fresh turkey, any size

1 fresh turkey, any size


Cut around the wishbone using a paring knife and remove it from the bird, and use the poultry shears to place a deep cut in the center of the breastbone from the back, so it's easier to crack.


Flip the bird over, and press down between the breasts to flatten the turkey.  Place on a large rimmed baking sheet - combine the salt and baking powder in a medium bowl, whisking until well-incorporated.  Liberally dust the bird with the salt, until it looks like it's been covered in a light snowfall.

kosher salt

2 cups kosher salt

baking powder

1 tbsp baking powder


Refrigerate, uncovered, overnight.


Preheat oven to 400°F.


Brush the salt off the turkey entirely, and place on a wire rack.


Line a rimmed baking sheet with the chopped vegetables, and place the turkey and rack on top.

chopped carrots, celery, onions

6 cups chopped carrots, celery, onions


Roast for 90-120 minutes, depending on the size of the turkey - breast should register 155°F, while the thighs register 175°F.


Allow the turkey to rest for 30 minutes before carving and serving.


For the Turkey Gravy


In a medium saucepan, heat the butter over medium heat until foaming.


3 tbsp butter


Add the flour and whisk together, cooking for about a minute, until the raw flour smell dissipates.


3 tbsp flour


Slowly stream in the turkey stock, whisking constantly, until completely combined.

turkey stock

2 cups turkey stock


Cook at a bare simmer until desired thickness is reached - season with salt and pepper and soy sauce.

Salt & freshly ground pepper

Salt & freshly ground pepper

soy sauce

1 tbsp soy sauce

Turkey Stock


In a large saucepan, heat vegetable oil until nearly smoking.

vegetable oil

1 tbsp vegetable oil


Brown the turkey spine pieces until well-browned on both sides.

Turkey spine (see above), cut into  lengths

2 inch Turkey spine (see above), cut into lengths


Add remaining ingredients to the saucepan, and cover with cold water.  Bring to a gentle boil, and lower heat until barely simmering.

large carrots, peeled and cut into 3 segments

2 inch large carrots, peeled and cut into 3 segments

onion, peeled and quartered

1 onion, peeled and quartered

stalks celery, cut into 3 segments

2 inch stalks celery, cut into 3 segments

sprigs fresh thyme

7.5 sprigs fresh thyme

parsnip, peeled and halved

1 parsnip, peeled and halved

turnip, peeled and quartered

1 turnip, peeled and quartered

whole black peppercorns

1 tbsp whole black peppercorns

of fresh parsley

handful of fresh parsley

head garlic, cut half widthwise

1 in head garlic, cut half widthwise

bay leaf

1 bay leaf


Skim the scum from the surface of the stock as it rises for the first 30 minutes, and continue to cook for at least 4 hours, up to 12, at a bare simmer.


Strain through cheesecloth, and keep warm for use in gravy and stuffing below.

Sage-Sausage Stuffing


Dry the bread pieces in a low oven (200°F) for 1-2 hours, until crisp.

2 loaves white country bread, cut into  cubes

¾ inch 2 loaves white country bread, cut into cubes


Preheat a large, high-walled sauté pan, and cook the pork sausage until browned and plenty of fond has formed on the bottom of the pan.


Set the sausage aside, reserving the sausage fat. Add the sausage (and optionally, bacon) fat back to the pan, and add onions.

plain pork sausage

1 pound plain pork sausage

bacon fat (optional)

2 tbsp bacon fat (optional)


Sweat onions over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, and add celery, sage, and thyme. Sauté for an additional 3 minutes, until celery has softened, and add parsley and cooked sausage.

large yellow onion, chopped

1 large yellow onion, chopped

stalks celery, chopped

6 stalks celery, chopped

minced fresh sage

¼ cup minced fresh sage

minced thyme

2 tbsp minced thyme

Indiscriminate amount of parsley

Indiscriminate amount of parsley


In a large bowl, combine bread and meat mixture - add eggs and mix. Add 2-4 cups of turkey stock, until bread is very saturated but still retains its shape.

eggs, beaten

3 eggs, beaten


Season with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Salt & freshly ground pepper to taste

Salt & freshly ground pepper to taste


Generously butter a casserole, and fill with stuffing.




During the last 30 minutes of the turkey cooking, bake, covered, for 20 minutes - uncovered for the final 10.

Cranberry Sauce


Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan - bring to a simmer, and cook until it reaches a thick, syrupy consistency.


1 pound cranberries


1 cup sugar

red wine

¼ cup red wine


1 ½ cups water


1 stick cinnamon

freshly grated nutmeg

½ tsp freshly grated nutmeg

Juice of  orange

0.5 Juice of orange

segment of orange peel

3 inch segment of orange peel


Remove the cinnamon stick and orange peel, and serve.

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