







Picture for Scallion Noodles inspired by Everything Everywhere All at Once

1,394,440 views  Whether you make your noodles from scratch or not, rest assured this dish will hit the spot no matter what universe you may find yourself in.

2 servings





For the Simple Scallion Noodles

For the Simple Scallion Noodles

scallions, cut into 1 segments + more to garnish

4 inch scallions, cut into 1 segments + more to garnish

neutral oil

⅓ - ½ cup neutral oil

kosher salt

1 tbsp kosher salt

wheat noodles of choice (i.e. frozen lo mein noodles)

8 oz wheat noodles of choice (i.e. frozen lo mein noodles)

light soy sauce

2 tbsp light soy sauce

dark soy sauce

1 ½ tbsp dark soy sauce

granulated sugar

1 ½ tsp granulated sugar

For the Advanced Scallion Noodles

For the Advanced Scallion Noodles

 (~4 1/4 Cups) neutral oil

1 L (~4 1/4 Cups) neutral oil

anise stars

2.5 anise stars

bay leaves

6 bay leaves

scallions, cut into 2 segments + more to garnish

8 - 10 inch scallions, cut into 2 segments + more to garnish

small shallot, sliced

2 small shallot, sliced

onion, sliced

1 onion, sliced

(3 inch) knob ginger, peeled + sliced

1 (3 inch) knob ginger, peeled + sliced

cilantro stems, roughly chopped

5 cilantro stems, roughly chopped

Hand Pulled Wheat Noodles

8 oz Hand Pulled Wheat Noodles

kosher salt

1 tbsp kosher salt

light soy sauce

2 tbsp light soy sauce

dark soy sauce

1 ½ tbsp dark soy sauce

granulated sugar

1 ½ tsp granulated sugar

For the Hand  Pulled Wheat Noodles

For the Hand Pulled Wheat Noodles

all purpose flour + more for dusting

250 g all purpose flour + more for dusting

kosher salt

½ tsp kosher salt


125 - 150 g water

As needed neutral oil

As needed neutral oil



For the Simple Scallion Noodles


Add the scallions in the medium high-walled skillet. Add enough neutral oil to the skillet to just cover the vegetables.

scallions, cut into 1 segments + more to garnish

4 inch scallions, cut into 1 segments + more to garnish

neutral oil

⅓ - ½ cup neutral oil


Heat the oil over medium high heat until the vegetables begin to bubble, then reduce the heat the medium-low and continue to cook the vegetable for 10 minutes or until they begin to brown.


Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the salt and noodles to the water and cook according to the package instructions.

kosher salt

1 tbsp kosher salt

wheat noodles of choice (i.e. frozen lo mein noodles)

8 oz wheat noodles of choice (i.e. frozen lo mein noodles)


Drain the noodles and optionally, run them until warm water to prevent them from sticking to one another. Transfer the noodles to the pan with the scallion oil.


Pour the soy sauces and sugar over the oil/cooked noodles and toss to combine for 30 seconds to 1 minutes over low heat.

light soy sauce

2 tbsp light soy sauce

dark soy sauce

1 ½ tbsp dark soy sauce

granulated sugar

1 ½ tsp granulated sugar


Garnish with more chopped scallions and serve.

scallions, cut into 1 segments + more to garnish

scallions, cut into 1 segments + more to garnish


For the Advanced Scallion Noodles


Add the oil to a large wok. Begin heating the oil over high heat until it reaches about 140 °F.

 (~4 1/4 Cups) neutral oil

1 L (~4 1/4 Cups) neutral oil


Reduce the heat to medium, then add the anise, bay leaves, scallions, shallot, onion, ginger, and cilantro to the oil.

anise stars

2.5 anise stars

bay leaves

6 bay leaves

scallions, cut into 2 segments + more to garnish

8 - 10 inch scallions, cut into 2 segments + more to garnish

small shallot, sliced

2 small shallot, sliced

onion, sliced

1 onion, sliced

(3 inch) knob ginger, peeled + sliced

1 (3 inch) knob ginger, peeled + sliced

cilantro stems, roughly chopped

5 cilantro stems, roughly chopped


Once the oil is bubbling, continue to cook the mixture until the vegetables are tender and the scallion just begins to turn yellow, about 20-25 minutes.


Reduce the heat to low and continue cooking the vegetables until they turn light brown in color, about 8-12 minutes.


Turn off the heat and allow the oil to infuse for 5 minutes.


Strain the oil using a mesh sieve or slotted spoon to remove the crisped vegetable. Reserved a ¼ cup of the crispy vegetables for serving. Set the infused oil aside in a heatproof vessel.


Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to a boil. In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauces and sugar.

light soy sauce

2 tbsp light soy sauce

dark soy sauce

1 ½ tbsp dark soy sauce

granulated sugar

1 ½ tsp granulated sugar


Add the salt and Hand-Pulled Wheat Noodles to the boiling water. Cook the noodles for 1 minute, then transfer cooked noodle to the still dirty wok used for cooking the scallion oil.

Hand Pulled Wheat Noodles

8 oz Hand Pulled Wheat Noodles

kosher salt

1 tbsp kosher salt


Turn the heat to medium, then add the sauce and about ¼ cup of the infused scallion oil. Toss to combine the sauce with the noodles. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until the sugar is completely dissolved and the sauce completely coats the noodles.


Serve immediately with a garnish of the reserved vegetables


For the Hand-Pulled Wheat Noodles


Combine the flour and salt in a large bowl. Whisk to combine, then slowly add the water until a shaggy dough forms. Add just enough water that no dry spots of flour remain but the dough is not sticky.

all purpose flour + more for dusting

250 g all purpose flour + more for dusting

kosher salt

½ tsp kosher salt


125 - 150 g water


Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface. Knead until a homogenous dough forms. Cover and let the dough rest for 15 minutes.


After resting, knead the dough once more until completely smooth, about 8-10 minutes. If the dough is becoming too tough, cover and let the dough rest for another 10 minutes, then resume kneading.


Divide the dough in half then cover and let rest for 5-10 minutes.


Roll the dough into ovals about ½ inch in thickness. Lightly oil the dough ovals and a small sheet tray. Place the oiled ovals onto the sheet tray, then cover and let rest for 1 ½ hours.

As needed neutral oil

As needed neutral oil


Prepare a large sheet tray with a dusting of all purpose flour. Bring a large pot of water to a boil.


Working with one dough oval at a time, slice the dough into strips about ⅓ inch thick. Take one piece of the dough into your hands and stretch it until it is only ¼-⅙ inch thick. Fold the stretched dough in half and stretch the dough once more. See video for further instruction.


Place the stretched noodle onto the prepared sheet tray, then repeat with the remaining dough.

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